Well the summer is almost over and school is about to start. It is amazing how fast the summers go by, not just summer but time itself. So here are a few updates that have happened over the summer. This could turn into a long post so be prepared to read on a bit.
First off, Zooey is now seven months old, and growing fast. She is now sitting up and appears to be trying to crawl. She is a very happy baby and is always laughing or playing, except when she is wanting something that she can't have, or is hungry.
Then there is Jordyn, yes the wild happy go lucky child, that paints the world as her own. Jordyn is now 100% potty trained and she did very well with the training. She is growing like a weed and has a very expansive vocabulary. So she is doing well and being a great little girl.
Then there is Zach, he is doing well and learning the great ways of growing up and becoming a teen. We are very excited for him in the journey that he is about to embark on over the next few years.
One of the biggest things that happened this summer is us moving into our new home. This has been very exciting for all of us. We have had to make a few adjustments in the move but nothing to serious. One thing that we have had to adjust to is having slower internet. Now this might not seem like a big deal to some, but to someone who works in technology that spends a great deal of time on the computer in work and for school it can be a bit frustrating. Don't get me wrong it is tons better than dial-up but irritating none the less. One other thing is the fact that our cell phone signal really sucks in the house, it is like I have to perform circus tricks to even get a signal, on the upside of that though I don't get many calls. Another thing is the drive into work every day. Instead of the short one mile drive I get a seventeen mile drive, which I actually enjoy now that I have been doing the drive. This gives me time to get my thoughts together for the day, and has given me a great opportunity to listen to my audio books. The biggest thing that has been more frustrating and irritating than anything is the some of the relationship strains that it has caused. There are tons of things that we do love about the new house. One being that is it new! The others are that it is in the country and it is so quiet and no one bothers you way out there. I do not have to listen to the booms in the night of some kids driving around, blaring his radio. We are closer to some of our family which has been nice. All in all we love the new house.
Does the Book of Revelation Apply to Us Today?
3 years ago