By the title of this blog you are probably thinking that I have lost my mind. But I ask you to bear with me and read on. As I sit here looking out the window of my office, I see all the leaves that have fallen, which means I have work to do in the yard. As I look at all this work I have to do now, thanks to all the trees in my yard, I look up a little and I see the beautiful changing colors in the leaves. Once again I am reminded of Gods glory. That even in the mist of everything dying, that he shows his wonder and beauty. There are few things as pleasing to the eye as the changing of the leaves; you see so many vivid colors. As my nephew would say when he was younger, "God has his crayons out". This also brings another thought to mind though. How do you approach the ugly, hard and dying things in your lives? Do you look down and think oh my how much work is this going to be, how hard this is going to be to get through. Or, do you stop and look up just a little and allow God to show you his glory. There is beauty in all things even in the death of things around you. It only changes by the perspective you are looking at it with.
To behold the beauty of the Lord,
And to inquire in His temple.
For in the time of trouble
He shall hide me in His pavilion;
In the secret place of His tabernacle
He shall hide me;
He shall set me high upon a rock.
(Psalm 27:4-5)