Well the season is upon us once again. There is only 25 days until Christmas. I know, some of you are saying please do not say that I still have so much to do before Christmas is here. Well to me the Christmas season is my favorite time of the year. No! It is not because of presents. One reason is that people just seem to be happier and they seem to be full of more joy. You see people doing things for others during this time of the year that you do not see them do any other time. People seem to walk around with bigger smiles on their faces, and more cheer in their voices. I believe that people are without knowing it, filled more with God’s love. By just celebrating the holiday time you are acknowledging Christ. Oh some will say no, but the truth is we would not even have this season if it were not for Christ. So no matter how hard anyone tries you cannot take Christ out of Christmas. Here is a quote from Archie Bunker that has always given me a good laugh. "All over the world they celebrate the birth of that baby, and everybody gets time off from work. Now if that ain’t proof that he’s the Son of God, then nothing is." Although time off from work should not be your focus, Archie has a really great point. So in your shopping and hustle and bustle around, stop and think on the gift that was given for all of us: a little babe that would take on the sins of the world. In John 10:10 Christ tells us (I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.) We get a very good glimpse of this during the Christmas season. He changes the hearts of people all over the world during this time, without most even know He has. That is power.
Does the Book of Revelation Apply to Us Today?
3 years ago