Well, my vacation time is over with and today it is back to work and the beginning of this year's routine. As I set out for my first day back at work and step back into my routine I begin to realize that having a daily routine gives me a sense of purpose and structure. I guess, that is what a routine is all about. Oh sure I have made some new year’s resolutions, as I think most have. With come up with the important things like, this year I am going to lose that twenty pounds I have been meaning to shed, or some might say I am going to be a nicer person to others this year. These are admirable goals to set and goals are good to have, but so is a good routine and it is my bet that without a routine you are not going to be able to accomplish any of your goals. You already have a busy tight schedule, right? I encourage you that this year you add something to your routine. I encourage you to add a daily time with your Creator. He longs to spend a little time with you and He is waiting to be part of your routine. My guess would also be that if you would take just a little time and add the Word of God to your routine, that the loss of weight, kicking that habit you have been wanting to for a while and living a more successful life; will fall into place just like they should. Make an effort to include Him. You may think how do I do such a thing, I do not where to start in the Bible or I do not know about just spending time with God? Well, I have a few suggestions. Go out and get a daily devotional, there are so many out there to choose from that it should be easy to find one that sparks your interest. Read it daily and try to apply it to your daily life and speak to God just as you would a good friend; ask Him to help you understand what He has for you. Usually in the daily devotionals there is a passage of scripture already in the devotional or they have a passage for you to read in your Bible. There are many ways to spend time with the Creator. It does not have to be first thing in the morning, because maybe your mornings are already full with all the hustle and bustle. Maybe lunch time or a break you get would be better. Maybe the best time for you is in the evenings before bed. Whatever time it is for you add Him to the routine and I promise it will be a successful routine. Will it always be easy? Nope, but it will be rewarding.
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