Monday, November 30, 2009


Well the season is upon us once again. There is only 25 days until Christmas. I know, some of you are saying please do not say that I still have so much to do before Christmas is here. Well to me the Christmas season is my favorite time of the year. No! It is not because of presents. One reason is that people just seem to be happier and they seem to be full of more joy. You see people doing things for others during this time of the year that you do not see them do any other time. People seem to walk around with bigger smiles on their faces, and more cheer in their voices. I believe that people are without knowing it, filled more with God’s love. By just celebrating the holiday time you are acknowledging Christ. Oh some will say no, but the truth is we would not even have this season if it were not for Christ. So no matter how hard anyone tries you cannot take Christ out of Christmas. Here is a quote from Archie Bunker that has always given me a good laugh. "All over the world they celebrate the birth of that baby, and everybody gets time off from work. Now if that ain’t proof that he’s the Son of God, then nothing is." Although time off from work should not be your focus, Archie has a really great point. So in your shopping and hustle and bustle around, stop and think on the gift that was given for all of us: a little babe that would take on the sins of the world. In John 10:10 Christ tells us (I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.) We get a very good glimpse of this during the Christmas season. He changes the hearts of people all over the world during this time, without most even know He has. That is power.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Do you hear me?

I often think that sometimes God just does not hear my prayers. I pray and pray and yet there is still no answer. I am betting that many of you have been there at one time or another. The feeling that your prayers are just bouncing off the ceiling. This is a common thing in the life of the believer. Sometimes there is a sin in our lives that is hindering our prayer. Maybe we are asking for the wrong things, as in selfish things. I am no expert on prayer but I do know that the bible has an aweful lot to say about it. In James 5:16 we are told (fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.) We are told in Hebrews 4:16 (16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.)I think the most important thing to remember is that God hears us, we are his children and you would never ignore the child you love. Keep in mind that though you feel your prayer is not answered that maybe it is just not being answered how you would think it would be. God's power is vast and something we can not understand. Remember God is good all the time. All the time God is good.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope everyone has a wonderful time with family and friends today. Be thankful for what you have no matter how small it is. Be careful in your travels today. Oh and most of all eat as much good food as you can.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Beauty in Death

By the title of this blog you are probably thinking that I have lost my mind. But I ask you to bear with me and read on. As I sit here looking out the window of my office, I see all the leaves that have fallen, which means I have work to do in the yard. As I look at all this work I have to do now, thanks to all the trees in my yard, I look up a little and I see the beautiful changing colors in the leaves. Once again I am reminded of Gods glory. That even in the mist of everything dying, that he shows his wonder and beauty. There are few things as pleasing to the eye as the changing of the leaves; you see so many vivid colors. As my nephew would say when he was younger, "God has his crayons out". This also brings another thought to mind though. How do you approach the ugly, hard and dying things in your lives? Do you look down and think oh my how much work is this going to be, how hard this is going to be to get through. Or, do you stop and look up just a little and allow God to show you his glory. There is beauty in all things even in the death of things around you. It only changes by the perspective you are looking at it with.
To behold the beauty of the Lord,
And to inquire in His temple.
For in the time of trouble
He shall hide me in His pavilion;
In the secret place of His tabernacle
He shall hide me;
He shall set me high upon a rock.
(Psalm 27:4-5)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Little Things

How often we get wrapped up in having the biggest and the best. How often we fill our hearts will so many "big things" that there is no room left for the little ones. We as a nation focus on having better, better jobs, better cars, more money, or bigger house. Now do not get me wrong it is great that we have a mind to better ourselves, the problem is that along the way we often forget about the little things. We often think that if we just had a better car, things would be ok or if I had more money then I could take more time off. Pay more attention to the little things in your life, you want a better marriage? Take a little time and listen to your spouse. You want better children? Spend a little time with them each day. You want a better life? Spend a little more time on your knees. Remember what Jesus said in (Luke 12:34) For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Where are you storing your treasure? Is it in work? Is it in your recreation time? Maybe it is somewhere else. There are those that are waiting for you to start storing little things with them.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Laughter !

Laughter, happiness expressed. How often we forget to express happiness in our daily lives. We get so focused on the things that are wrong with our lives that we forget about the happy things. Maybe it is that some of us take everything to serious and believe that laughter is only for children and the immature. Well it is not! Sure there is a time for serious talk and acting, but far too often we get trapped and forget to laugh. Proverbs 17:22 says "A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones." So do you have a merry heart? It is a proven fact that laughter is good for you. Laughter relieves stress and relaxes your body. Maybe the reason you are always feeling so terrible is because you have forgotten how to laugh. I encourage you sometime today to laugh about something even if it brings strange looks from others, remember laughter can be contagious.

Friday, November 6, 2009

November 6th, 2009

There has been so much going on that last few months and I have been horrible about keeping up with the posting here. I do hope to start doing much better in the future. Just an update on everyone, Ruth Ann is doing great along with Jordyn and Zooey and Zachary. Zooey is all over the palce now and into everything she can get her hands on. Both Ruth Ann and I have been in school this semester and that has taken up a part of our time.
We had a busy summer cleaning up around the new house. We spent two weekends in September painting and repairing and replaceing. It is all coming together good just going to take some time and money. I will post pictures later.
On to the new edition to our family. As you have probably noticed from the picture we got us a new dog.He is a Great Dane and is almost eight weeks old andhe weights almost 12 lbs LOL. Anyways his name is Ramesses and we are very happy to have him.
Well I hope everyone has a great Friday and a great weekend. I will be busy raking leaves and buring yeah for me. That is if this cold will go away.